Low Volume Production
Due to the highly specialized nature of the material we collect and publish as well as the nature of our audience, our options for binding are limited.
Library Binding Format:
We are pleased to now offer all the volumes in a BOUND FORMAT. This format, called LIBRARY BINDING, is specifically designed for library use. It is a glue-based hard case which allows pages to lie flat and allows for easy copying of pages. For smaller volumes, two volumes may be bound together in an omnibus format, e.g., a Demographic Atlas and a Demographic Guide.
We are phasing in the library binding format into our existing stock. Note that the prices for some volumes will be higher. All volumes after March 2001 will be in the library binding format. Until then, the following may apply.
Loose-leaf Format:
To enable the efficient production of our reports in low volume we have chosen the loose-leaf format as our default format.
For the default binders, we have invested in providing the researcher with several different types of binders. The binder selected for each report will generally depend upon the quantity of paper which but must be bound.
If the report is under a few hundred pages, a standard-duty three ring binder is sufficient. When the report approaches 600 pages, our choice is a heavy-duty, parallel-prong "catalog" binder. This enables the pages to remain in better condition and allows the user to view flat pages without continually lifting many pages over rings. However, these catalog binders are now unavailable.
Inclusion of Binders:
In general, your order will include the designated POLIDATA binder. Each binder which is at least 1 inch deep includes a spine label for each report title which slips into the integrated spine label holder.
In the case of annual reports, e.g., POPULATION ESTIMATES, the report is provided without a binder, the researcher has the option of ordering a binder as aseparate item if they do not want to merely replace the previous edition. A spine label will be provided with the new edition.
Information for Ordering Binders Separately: If binders are to be ordered separately, use the following ordering information:
Standard three-ring generic binder with cover inserted into mylar cover pocket, size 1/2 inch, Item#TR05, $5.00
Standard three-ring Polidata imprinted binder with spine label, size 1 inch, Item #TR10, $6.00
Standard three-ring Polidata imprinted binder with spine label, size 1 1/2inch, Item #TR15, $8.00
Catalog parallel-prong Polidata imprinted binder with spine label, size 2 inch, Item #PP20, $16.00 UNAVAILABLE.

COPYRIGHT © 2000, Clark H. Bensen. All Rights Reserved.

POLIDATA ® Demographic & Political Guides / Clark Bensen / 3112 Cave Court, Suite C / Lake Ridge, VA 22192
TEL: 703-690-4066 (8am-5pm ET) FAX: 703-494-4061 (24hrs.) EMAIL: info@polidata.org.
HOME: www.polidata.org. THIS: http://www.polidata.org/binders.htm updated: 2000-Aug-22