Geography: County, in IDAHO's Southeastern Region.
Population Centers: Pocatello, Chubbuck. County Seat: Pocatello.
Markets: Pocatello, ID Metropolitan Statistical Area; Other Metro Group of Metro Regions; Idaho Falls - Pocatello, ID - WY Designated Market Area (TV Media Market).
Rank: 5.8% of state pop., ranked 5th of 44 counties.
Density: Area Size: 1,147 sq. mi. (%water: 3.0»), persons per mile: 67.9»; 712,510 acres land; acres per person: 9.43«.
Urban#: %Urban Pop: 82.7»; (82.7% in, 0.0% out of an urbanized area); %Rural Pop: 17.3«; (0.9% farm, 16.4% non farm).
Population (2000): 75,565 total; 54,309 of voting age (71.9%).
Net Change in Population: %1990 to 2000: 14.4« (9,539). %1980 to 1990: 0.9« (605).
Sex: %Female: 50.6.
Group Quarters: %Pop: 3.0» (2,285). (%Corr: 0.7-; %Nurs: 0.4; %OthI: 0.0; %Coll: 1.5»; %Mili: 0.0; %OthN: 0.4.)
CHART %<5: 8.1- (6,115); %5-17: 20.0
(15,141); %18-24: 14.6» (10,996); %25-44: 27.2
(20,516); %45-64: 20.0- (15,135); %>64: 10.1- (7,662); Median:
Enrollment: %Priv(5-17): 5.2- (781). %Coll(18-24): 45.7» (5,071).
Education#:BAR CHART %<9th: 2.8«; %9-11: 9.6; %HS Only:
25.9-; %Some Coll:
36.7-; %Coll
Only: 16.4-;
%Post Grad: 8.5». (%HS Grad: 87.5; %Coll
Grad: 24.9-.)
Marital Status#: %Never: 25.3-; %Now: 59.8; %Wid: 5.2; %Div: 9.7-.
Military: %In Military: 0.2 (82); %Veterans: 13.0- (7,087). (%WW2: 21.4-; %Korea: 12.5; %Vietnam: 32.3; %Gulf: 12.4-.)
Birth: %State Native: 60.7»; %Non Citizen: 1.1« (826).
Language: %English: 89.8; %Spanish: 5.8«; %Other Euro: 2.2-; %Asian: 1.1-; %Other: 1.0».
Ancestry: %English: 17.3 (13,095); %German: 11.5 (8,662); %Irish: 6.7 (5,085); %US/American: 6.3 (4,739); %Danish: 3.7 (2,767). (%Specified: 78.1; 1.38 Average # of responses).
Race/Spanish Origin Population:BAR
CHART %Minority/Non-Anglo:
10.5- (7,929).
%Hispanic/Latino: 4.7-; %Black/African-American:
%Am.Indian/Aleut: 2.6»; %Asian: 1.0-; %Nat.Hawaiian/Pac.Islander:
0.2; %Other Race: 0.1; %Multi (2 or more): 1.4.
Race/Spanish Origin Voting Age Pop.:
%Minority/Non-Anglo: 9.1- (4,959). %Hispanic/Latino:
%Black/African-American: 0.6-; %Am.Indian/Aleut: 2.4»; %Asian: 1.1-;
%Nat.Hawaiian/Pac.Islander: 0.2; %Other Race: 0.1;
%Multi (2 or more): 1.0-.
Hispanics: 3,540 Total. Mexican, 2,624; Puerto Rican, 79; South American, 69.
American Indians: 1,996 Total. Navajo, 72; Sioux, 61; Chippewa, 40.
Asians: 732 Total. Japanese, 202; Chinese, 175; Asian Indian, 94.
Income & Labor Force: 38,369 in Force, %Women in Force: 61.2; %Force women: 46.9. Unemployment: 2,646, % of 16+yrs: 4.7», % of Force: 6.9». Workers per HH: 1.3.
Work Sector#: %Private Sector: 71.5 (25,498); %Government Sector: 21.1» (7,510); %Self-Employed: 7.1« (2,544); %Unpaid Family Workers: 0.2 (89).
Industry#:BAR CHART %Agriculture: 1.5«; %Construction:
%Finance: 5.5-;
%Information: 1.9-; %Manufacturing: 17.9;
%Professional: 34.5»; %Public Service:
4.5-; %Trade:
15.3-; %Travel &
Leisure: 13.0.
Occupation#:BAR CHART %Management: 10.0«; %Prof, Health,
Educ: 22.2-;
%Service: 16.3; %Sales, Admin.: 27.8-; %Farming, Fishing: 0.6«; %Construction:
9.9-; %Production:
13.1-. (%White
Collar Workers: 60.0-; %Blue Collar Workers:
23.0-; %Grey
(Service, Farm): 17.0-.)
Workplace#: %in Co. of Res: 87.0-; %outside County: 11.6-; %another State: 1.3«.
Transport#: %SOV: 78.6; %HOV: 12.8; %Public: 1.7»; %Other: 4.0-; %Home: 2.9«.
Commuting Time#: %<30min: 84.1-; %30-60min: 8.2«; %>60min: 4.9-; %Home: 2.9«.
Leave for Work#: %<5am: 2.3«; %5-6am: 5.6-; %6-7am: 13.6-; %7-8am: 30.7; %8-9am:
16.1-; %>9am:
28.8»; %Home:
HH Income#:BAR CHART %<15k: 18.7-; %15-35k: 29.0; %35-50k:
17.6-; %50-100k:
27.5; %100-150k: 5.2-; %>150k: 2.0-; Median: $36683.
Median Income by Age: %<25yrs: $18045-; %25to34: $31566-; %35to44: $46087;
%45to54: $56250-;
%55to64: $47821-;
%65to74: $30133; %>74yrs: $22534-.
Income Type: %Wages: 80.3; %Self: 15.0-; %PubA: 4.5»; %SSI: 4.1-; %Int: 37.7; %Ret: 14.3-; %Soc: 24.4.
Family Income: Median: $44192; $17148 per capita. %In Poverty: 9.8- (1,887).
Poverty Status: %Tot: 13.9- (10,181). (%<18yrs: 4.6-; %18-64yrs: 8.5»; %>64yrs: 0.8-.)
Housing: 29,102 units, %Vacation: 0.9« (260). 27,192 households. %Owned: 70.7 (19,215).
Units in Structure#: %1 det: 65.7-; %1 att. to 4: 14.3»; %>4: 9.2»; %Mobile: 10.8- (3,136).
Rooms: Median: 5.7-.
Prop. Tax: Median: $1144-.
Home Value#:BAR CHART %<50k: 14.2-; %50-100k: 49.9»; %100-200k: 30.1«; %200-300k:
%300-500k: 0.7«; %>500k: 0.2; Median:
Monthly Rent#: %None: 4.0«; %<$250: 13.9-; %$250-500: 61.7»; %$500-1,000: 19.7«; %$1,000-1,500:
%>$1,500: 0.1; Median: $385-.
Year Built#:BAR CHART %<'40: 12.2-; %'40-'60: 23.7»; %'60-'80: 38.9-; %'80-'90: 10.3-; %'90-'00: 14.8«; Median: 1971.
Year Moved in: %All: 1995; %Own: 1992; %Rent: 1999.
Residence 1995:BAR CHART %Same: 49.4; %Same
County: 26.9-;
%Same State: 10.4-. %NorthEast: 0.4; %MidWest:
1.4; %South: 1.7; %West: 8.7«; %P.Rico: 0.0; %Other:
Families: 19,213, persons per: 3.2.
Persons in HH#: %1: 22.8; %2: 33.6; %3-4: 30.7; %5+: 12.9. (persons per HH: 2.7).
HH With Children: %All HH: 39.0 (10,610). (%Couple: 28.9; %Other: 10.1-.)
Vehicles by HH#: %None: 5.5-; %1or2: 68.9; %3+: 25.6. (53,809, per 16+yrs: 0.95).
Heating Fuel#: %Util: 89.7-; %Deli: 7.7«; %Self: 2.4«; %None: 0.2. (%Coal: 0.3;
%Elec: 34.3; %Gas: 55.5»; %Oil: 3.0«; %Prop: 4.4«; %Wood: 1.9«; %Oth: 0.5«; %None: 0.2.)
Income Indexes: HH Inc: 98%; Fam Inc: 102%; RE Tax: 114%; Home Value: 85%; Mon Rent: 87%; Average is: 97% (as % of values for STATE).
Home Purchase Index: Median. HH Income: $36,683; Median. Home Value: $87,000; INDEX: 2.4-.
SES Average (State): High Educ: 115%; Prof Spec: 127%; HH Income: 98%; Home Value: 85%; AVERAGE= 106% (as % of 4 values for STATE).
SES Average (Nation): High Educ: 102%; Prof Spec: 118%; HH Income: 87%; Home Value: 78%; AVERAGE= 96% (as % of 4 values for NATION).
President('00): %BUSH: 59.1- (18,223); %Gore: 35.3» (10,892); %Others: 5.6- (1,732).
Participation: Congregations: 132, %Pop:
62.6- (47,282).
Affiliation: %Cath: 5.7-; %Prot: 3.8-; %Evan: 5.8-; %Morm: 47.2»; %Jews: 0.0; %OthW: 0.1;
%OthE: 0.1.
Universes: A) POP: 75,565; B) STP: 75,565;
C) VAP: 54,309; D) JUV: 21,256; E) SAP: 15,141; F)
CAP: 10,996; G) 3+yrs: 71,831; H) 16+yrs: 56,865;
I) 25+yrs: 43,313; J) 65+yrs: 7,662; K) Grp Qtr
Pop: 2,285; L) Hsg. Units: 29,102; M) Occ. Units:
27,192; N) Households: 27,192; O) Families:
19,213; P) Labor Force: 38,369; Q) Workers 16+:
35,122; R) Emp. 16+: 35,641; S) Veterans: 7,087;
T) Pov.Status: 73,414.
Sample Size: 13,192 (17.5%).