Geography: County, in ILLINOIS' Chicagoland Region. Population Centers: Waukegan, Vernon. County Seat: Waukegan. Markets: Chicago, IL PMSA; Chicago Suburbs GMR; Chicago, IL - IN DMA. Density: Area Size: 1,368 sq. mi. (%water: 67.3–»), persons per mile: 1440–»; 286,441 acres land; acres per person: 0.44«–. Urban#: %Urban Pop: 98.3–»; (98.3% in, 0.0% out of an urbanized area); %Rural Pop: 1.7«–; (0.0% farm, 1.7% non farm).

Population (2000): 644,356 total; 454,992 of voting age (70.6%). Net Change in Population: %1990 to 2000: 24.8–» (127,938). %1980 to 1990: 17.3–» (76,030). Sex: %Female: 49.7. Group Quarters: %Pop: 3.3-› (20,978). (%Corr: 0.1; %Nurs: 0.5‹-; %OthI: 0.3; %Coll: 0.3; %Mili: 1.6–»; %OthN: 0.4.) Age#: %<5: 8.2–» (52,978); %5-17: 21.2-› (136,386); %18-24: 8.9‹- (57,493); %25-44: 31.6 (203,513); %45-64: 21.6 (138,997); %>64: 8.5«– (54,989); Med: 33.8. Enrollment: %Priv(5-17): 9.1‹- (12,453). %Coll(18-24): 57.3‹- (32,659). Education#: %<9th: 6.0‹-; %9-11: 7.4«–; %HS Only: 21.4«–; %Some Coll: 26.6; %Coll Only: 24.0–»; %Post Grad: 14.6–». (%HS Grad: 86.6-›; %Coll Grad: 38.6–».) Marital Status#: %Never: 24.6‹-; %Now: 63.4-›; %Wid: 4.3«–; %Div: 7.7«–. Military: %In Military: 1.6–» (10,574); %Veterans: 7.0«– (44,814). (%WW2: 18.3‹-; %Korea: 11.6‹-; %Vietnam: 33.2; %Gulf: 13.5–».) Birth: %State Native: 58.9; %Non Citizen: 9.3–» (60,236). Language: %English: 77.7; %Spanish: 11.0-›; %Other Euro: 7.9–»; %Asian: 2.9-›; %Other: 0.6«–. Ancestry: %Germ: 15.9 (102,302); %Iris: 9.4 (60,561); %Poli: 6.5 (42,171); %Engl: 5.4 (34,967); %Ital: 5.1 (33,192); %Unclassified: 18.7. (%Specified: 85.5-›; 1.36 avg.). Race/SO Pop: %Min: 26.6‹- (171,388). %Hsp: 14.4-›; %Blk: 6.8‹-; %Am.I: 0.2; %Asn: 3.9-›; %Pac: 0.0; %Other: 0.2; %Multi: 1.2‹-. Race/SO VAP: %Min: 24.3‹- (110,400). %Hsp: 12.8-›; %Blk: 6.3‹-; %Am.I: 0.2; %Asn: 3.9-›; %Pac: 0.0; %Other: 0.1; %Multi: 0.9‹-. Hispanics: 92,716 total. Mexi, 71,153; Puer, 7,066; Cent, 3,616. Am. Indians: 1,048 total. Cher, 182; Chip, 151; Siou, 47. Asians: 24,866 total. Fili, 7,036; Indi, 5,476; Chin, 4,629.

Income & Labor Force: 337,181 in Force, %Women in Force: 62.0-›; %Force women: 43.7‹-. Unemployment: 13,957, % of 16+yrs: 2.9«–, % of Force: 4.1«–. Workers per HH: 1.5–». Work Sector#: %Private: 84.1-› (261,120); %Govt: 10.3«– (31,937); %Self: 5.3‹- (16,549); %Family: 0.3 (790). Industry#: %Agr: 0.3; %Con: 6.1‹-; %Fin: 9.2–»; %Info: 2.7‹-; %Man: 23.3–»; %Prof: 29.0; %Public: 2.9«–; %Trade: 16.4-›; %Travel: 10.0«–. Occupation#: %Mgmt: 19.6–»; %Prof: 21.5-›; %Serv: 11.3«–; %Admin: 28.3-›; %Farm: 0.1; %Cons: 7.6‹-; %Prod: 11.6«–. (%White: 69.3-›; %Blue: 19.3‹-; %Grey: 11.4«–.) Workplace#: %in Co. of Res: 66.9‹-; %outside County: 31.2–»; %another State: 1.9«–. Transport#: %SOV: 76.4; %HOV: 10.2‹-; %Public: 4.6; %Other: 4.7-›; %Home: 4.2–». Commuting Time#: %<30min: 51.6‹-; %30-60min: 32.5–»; %>60min: 11.8–»; %Home: 4.2–». Leave for Work#: %<5am: 4.2–»; %5-6am: 9.3–»; %6-7am: 21.9-›; %7-8am: 28.0‹-; %8-9am: 14.7‹-; %>9am: 17.6‹-; %Home: 4.2–». HH Income#: %<15k: 6.7«–; %15-35k: 15.6«–; %35-50k: 13.2‹-; %50-100k: 35.4-›; %100-150k: 15.3–»; %>150k: 13.8–»; Med: $66973–». Med Income by Age: %<25yrs: $34495–»; %25to34: $57110–»; %35to44: $76519–»; %45to54: $86112–»; %55to64: $76289–»; %65to74: $44900–»; %>74yrs: $29298–». Income Type: %Wages: 86.1-›; %Self: 12.1; %PubA: 1.6«–; %SSI: 2.0«–; %Int: 47.2–»; %Ret: 12.8«–; %Soc: 18.3«–. Family Income: Med: $76424–»; $32102–» per capita. %In Poverty: 4.0«– (6,590). Poverty Status: %Tot: 5.7«– (35,714). (%<18yrs: 2.2«–; %18-64yrs: 3.2«–; %>64yrs: 0.4.)

Housing: 225,919 units, %Vacation: 1.1«– (2,423). 216,297 households. %Owned: 77.8-› (168,301). Units in Structure#: %1 det: 68.8-›; %1 att. to 4: 15.6-›; %>4: 13.7«–; %Mobile: 1.9«– (4,365). Rooms: Med: 6.2-›. Prop. Tax: Med: $3954–». Home Value#: %<50k: 2.2«–; %50-100k: 9.7«–; %100-200k: 40.7-›; %200-300k: 21.0–»; %300-500k: 16.5–»; %>500k: 9.9–»; Med: $191600–». Monthly Rent#: %<$250: 8.0«–; %$250-500: 13.6«–; %$500-1,000: 65.3–»; %$1,000-1,500: 9.3–»; %>$1,500: 3.8–» (%None: 6.5–»); Med: $669–». Year Built#: %<'40: 9.2«–; %'40-'60: 19.0; %'60-'80: 30.9; %'80-'90: 16.7-›; %'90-'00: 24.2–»; Med: 1975. Year Moved in: %All: 1995; %Own: 1993; %Rent: 1998. Residence 1995: %Same: 52.2; %Same Co.: 22.1‹-; %Same St.: 11.9–». %NE: 1.4‹-; %MW: 3.0–»; %SO: 3.2-›; %WE: 2.4-›; %PR: 0.1; %Other: 3.7–». Families: 163,978, persons per: 3.3-›. Persons in HH#: %1: 19.7«–; %2: 30.1‹-; %3-4: 35.8-›; %5+: 14.3–». (persons per HH: 2.9-›). HH With Children: %All HH: 44.4–» (96,035). (%Couple: 35.7–»; %Other: 8.7«–.) Vehicles by HH#: 405,757, per 16+yrs: 0.86. (%None: 4.6«–; %1or2: 77.1-›; %3+: 18.2-›.) Heating Fuel: %Util: 98.6–»; %Deli: 1.0«–; %Self: 0.1. (%Coal: 0.0; %Elec: 10.2«–; %Gas: 88.4–»; %Oil: 0.2; %Prop: 0.7«–; %Wood: 0.1; %Oth: 0.2; %None: 0.2.)

Income Indexes: HH Inc: 159%; Fam Inc: 153%; RE Tax: 296%; Home Value: 171%; Mon Rent: 129%; Average is: 182% (as % of values for NATION). Home Purchase Index: Med. HH Income: $66,973; Med. Home Value: $191,600; INDEX: 2.9-›. SES Average (Nation): High Educ: 158%; Prof Spec: 99%; HH Income: 159%; Home Value: 171%; AVERAGE= 147% (as % of 4 values for NATION).

Elections: President('00): %BUSH: 50.0 (120,988); %Gore: 47.5 (115,058); %Others: 2.5«– (6,118).

Religion: Participation: Congregations: 288, %Pop: 59.2-› (381,334). Affiliation: %Cath: 39.3–»; %Prot: 7.7‹-; %Evan: 7.4‹-; %Morm: 0.4; %Jews: 3.9–»; %OthW: 0.1; %OthE: 0.5‹-.

Universes: A) POP: 644,356; B) STP: 644,356; C) VAP: 454,992; D) JUV: 189,364; E) SAP: 136,386; F) CAP: 57,493; G) 3+yrs: 613,238; H) 16+yrs: 474,019; I) 25+yrs: 397,499; J) 65+yrs: 54,989; K) Grp Qtr Pop: 20,978; L) Hsg. Units: 225,919; M) Occ. Units: 216,297; N) Households: 216,297; O) Families: 163,978; P) Labor Force: 337,181; Q) Workers 16+: 317,442; R) Emp. 16+: 310,396; S) Veterans: 48,101; T) Pov.Status: 624,272. Sample Size: 92,468 (14.4%). [pg10188-ps14.4-st17-cy097]

RELATIVITY INDICATORS: «– far below and ‹- just below National value; -› just above and –» far above National value.
NOTES: 1) Some data are SF1 counts; other are SF3 sample data. See Data Dictionary. 2) # indicates pct. values add to 100%. 3) MCD-Minor Civil Division; CDP-Census Designated Place; MSA-Metropolitan Statistical Area; GMR-Group of Metro Regions; DMA-Designated Market Area; VAP-Voting Age Pop; SO/Spanish Origin; Med-Median; HH-Household; SOV/HOV-Single/High Occupancy Vehicles. 4) Ancestry: estimated from multiple responses.
Reprinted from the DEMOGRAPHIC GUIDE TO THE UNITED STATES, Counties and Selected Places, 2000 Census Edition.
Info: www.polidata.us/books/us Data Dictionary: www.polidata.us/books/aa/xdddog00.pdf National Profile: www.polidata.us/books/us/pub/pg00001.htm
Religious Data from "Religious Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000." © 2002 ASARB. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.
Copyright © 2003, POLIDATA ®. Clark H. Bensen. All Rights Reserved. email: info@polidata.us.
POLIDATA ® Demographic and Political Guides / Attn: Sales / 3112 Cave Court, Suite H / Lake Ridge, VA 22192
url: http://www.polidata.us/books/us/dog/part3/pg10188.htm updated: 11/22/2002