---Lake Ridge CDP

Geography: Census Designated Place (Place), in VIRGINIA's Northern Virginia Region. (In PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY: 100%; Coles district: 36%; Occoquan district: 64%.) Markets: Washington, DC - MD - VA - WV PMetropolitan Statistical Area; Washington, DC Metro Group of Metro Regions; Washington, DC - MD - PA - VA - WV Designated Market Area (TV Media Market). Rank: 10.8% of county pop., ranked 3rd of 18 places. Density: Area Size: 8.6 sq. mi. (%water: 4.6«–), persons per mile: 3690–»; 5,273 acres land; acres per person: 0.17«–. Urban#: %Urban Pop: 100.0–»; (100.0% in, 0.0% out of an urbanized area); %Rural Pop: 0.0.

Population (2000): 30,404 total; 21,422 of voting age (70.5‹-%). Sex: %Female: 52.0. Group Quarters: %Pop: 0.3 (92). (%Corr: 0.0; %Nurs: 0.3; %OthI: 0.0; %Coll: 0.0; %Mili: 0.0; %OthN: 0.0.) Age#:BAR CHART %<5: 7.3-› (2,218); %5-17: 22.2–» (6,764); %18-24: 7.5«– (2,289); %25-44: 34.4-› (10,446); %45-64: 23.6 (7,166); %>64: 5.0«– (1,521); Median: 33.7‹-. Enrollment: %Priv(5-17): 6.6«– (460). %Coll(18-24): 34.1 (746). Education#:BAR CHART %<9th: 1.6«–; %9-11: 3.4«–; %HS Only: 17.2«–; %Some Coll: 33.5–»; %Coll Only: 26.1–»; %Post Grad: 18.2–». (%HS Grad: 95.1-›; %Coll Grad: 44.3–».) Marital Status#: %Never: 25.0; %Now: 62.4-›; %Wid: 3.2«–; %Div: 9.4. Military: %In Military: 4.7–» (1,014); %Veterans: 20.0–» (4,307). (%Vietnam: 46.8–»; %Gulf: 23.3–».) Birth: %State Native: 28.0«–; %Non Citizen: 5.1-› (1,564). Language: %English: 84.7; %Spanish: 6.8–»; %Other Euro: 4.8-›; %Asian: 2.4‹-; %Other: 1.3–». Ancestry: %German: 12.5 (3,800); %Irish: 10.9 (3,307); %English: 9.9 (3,020); %Italian: 5.1 (1,539); %US/American: 4.0 (1,209); %Unclassified: 22.0. (%Specified: 86.0-›; 1.34 Average # of responses). Race/Spanish Origin Population:BAR CHART %Minority/Non-Anglo: 29.7 (9,041). %Hispanic/Latino: 7.1–»; %Black/African-American: 15.7‹-; %Am.Indian/Aleut: 0.2; %Asian: 3.5‹-; %Nat.Hawaiian/Pac.Islander: 0.1; %Other Race: 0.2; %Multi (2 or more): 2.8–». Race/Spanish Origin Voting Age Pop.: %Minority/Non-Anglo: 26.9 (5,771). %Hispanic/Latino: 6.5–»; %Black/African-American: 14.5‹-; %Am.Indian/Aleut: 0.2; %Asian: 3.7; %Nat.Hawaiian/Pac.Islander: 0.1; %Other Race: 0.1; %Multi (2 or more): 1.8-›. Hispanics: 2,161 Total. Puerto Rican, 444; South American, 432; Mexican, 404. American Indians: 62 Total. Cherokee, 12; Sioux, 6; Iroquois, 4. Asians: 1,063 Total. Filipino, 214; Korean, 213; Asian Indian, 164.

Income & Labor Force: 17,593 in Force, %Women in Force: 71.3-›; %Force women: 48.9. Unemployment: 387, % of 16+yrs: 1.7«–, % of Force: 2.2«–. Workers per HH: 1.5-›. Work Sector#: %Private Sector: 68.5‹- (11,094); %Government Sector: 27.1–» (4,389); %Self-Employed: 4.3«– (701); %Unpaid Family Workers: 0.0 (8). Industry#:BAR CHART %Agriculture: 0.2; %Construction: 5.7«–; %Finance: 7.0-›; %Information: 4.4-›; %Manufacturing: 7.3«–; %Professional: 35.2-›; %Public Service: 15.5–»; %Trade: 13.9; %Travel & Leisure: 10.9‹-. Occupation#:BAR CHART %Management: 23.4–»; %Prof, Health, Educ: 27.8–»; %Service: 11.7‹-; %Sales, Admin.: 26.7; %Farming, Fishing: 0.0; %Construction: 6.5«–; %Production: 3.9«–. (%White Collar Workers: 77.8–»; %Blue Collar Workers: 10.4«–; %Grey (Service, Farm): 11.8‹-.) Workplace#: %in Co. of Res: 31.3«–; %outside County: 51.8–»; %another State: 16.9–». Transport#: %SOV: 71.5‹-; %HOV: 20.1–»; %Public: 3.5; %Other: 1.7«–; %Home: 3.2. Commuting Time#: %<30min: 31.8«–; %30-60min: 44.3–»; %>60min: 20.6–»; %Home: 3.2. Leave for Work#: %<5am: 2.1«–; %5-6am: 13.5–»; %6-7am: 24.8–»; %7-8am: 24.8‹-; %8-9am: 14.1‹-; %>9am: 17.5‹-; %Home: 3.2. HH Income#:BAR CHART %<15k: 2.9«–; %15-35k: 11.2«–; %35-50k: 15.3‹-; %50-100k: 40.2–»; %100-150k: 21.0–»; %>150k: 9.5–»; Median: $71458–». Median Income by Age: %<25yrs: $47083–»; %25to34: $56301–»; %35to44: $70477–»; %45to54: $95297–»; %55to64: $89082–»; %65to74: $52950–»; %>74yrs: $44464–». Income Type: %Wages: 92.0-›; %Self: 9.1‹-; %PubA: 1.0«–; %SSI: 1.1«–; %Int: 45.9–»; %Ret: 19.7; %Soc: 10.2«–. Family Income: Median: $80998–»; $30506–» per capita. %In Poverty: 1.7«– (136). Poverty Status: %Tot: 2.3«– (710). (%<18yrs: 0.8«–; %18-64yrs: 1.5«–; %>64yrs: 0.1.)

Housing: 11,265 units, %Vacation: 0.2 (17). 10,980 households. %Owned: 72.7-› (7,983). Units in Structure#: %1 det: 36.6«–; %1 att. to 4: 48.5–»; %>4: 14.4‹-; %Mobile: 0.4 (47). Rooms: Median: 7.1–». Prop. Tax: Median: $2113–». Home Value#:BAR CHART %<50k: 0.2; %50-100k: 12.6«–; %100-200k: 66.7–»; %200-300k: 15.8–»; %300-500k: 4.7«–; %>500k: 0.0; Median: $154500–». Monthly Rent#: %None: 1.5«–; %<$250: 2.5«–; %$250-500: 2.6«–; %$500-1,000: 71.2–»; %$1,000-1,500: 15.5–»; %>$1,500: 6.7–»; Median: $859–». Year Built#:BAR CHART %<'40: 0.1; %'40-'60: 0.2; %'60-'80: 29.2‹-; %'80-'90: 44.5–»; %'90-'00: 26.0–»; Median: 1985. Year Moved in: %All: 1996; %Own: 1994; %Rent: 1998. Residence 1995:BAR CHART %Same: 46.2‹-; %Same County: 16.9‹-; %Same State: 14.4. %NorthEast: 3.7-›; %MidWest: 3.0–»; %South: 8.4–»; %West: 4.0–»; %P.Rico: 0.0; %Other: 3.4-›. Families: 8,102, persons per: 3.2-›. Persons in HH#: %1: 20.1‹-; %2: 30.5‹-; %3-4: 37.8-›; %5+: 11.6–». (persons per HH: 2.8-›). HH With Children: %All HH: 44.9–» (4,928). (%Couple: 33.6–»; %Other: 11.3-›.) Vehicles by HH#: %None: 2.0«–; %1or2: 78.7-›; %3+: 19.3‹-. (21,148, per 16+yrs: 0.93). Heating Fuel#: %Util: 99.0–»; %Deli: 0.5«–; %Self: 0.4; %None: 0.1. (%Coal: 0.0; %Elec: 59.5–»; %Gas: 39.5-›; %Oil: 0.3; %Prop: 0.2; %Wood: 0.3; %Oth: 0.1; %None: 0.1.)

Income Indexes: HH Inc: 153%; Fam Inc: 150%; RE Tax: 185%; Home Value: 130%; Mon Rent: 156%; Average is: 155% (as % of values for STATE). Home Purchase Index: Median. HH Income: $71,458; Median. Home Value: $154,500; INDEX: 2.2‹-. SES Average (State): High Educ: 150%; Prof Spec: 118%; HH Income: 153%; Home Value: 130%; AVERAGE= 138% (as % of 4 values for STATE). SES Average (Nation): High Educ: 182%; Prof Spec: 121%; HH Income: 170%; Home Value: 138%; AVERAGE= 153% (as % of 4 values for NATION).

Universes: A) POP: 30,404; B) STP: 30,579; C) VAP: 21,422; D) JUV: 8,982; E) SAP: 6,764; F) CAP: 2,289; G) 3+yrs: 29,041; H) 16+yrs: 22,490; I) 25+yrs: 19,133; J) 65+yrs: 1,521; K) Grp Qtr Pop: 92; L) Hsg. Units: 11,265; M) Occ. Units: 10,980; N) Households: 10,980; O) Families: 8,102; P) Labor Force: 17,593; Q) Workers 16+: 17,006; R) Emp. 16+: 16,192; S) Veterans: 4,307; T) Pov.Status: 30,351. Sample Size: 3,759 (12.4%). [pg00872-ps12.4-st51-pl43432-cy153]

RELATIVITY INDICATORS: «– far below and ‹- just below State value; -› just above and –» far above State value.
NOTES: 1) Some data are SF1 counts; other are SF3 sample data. See Data Dictionary. 2) # indicates pct. values add to 100%. 3) MCD-Minor Civil Division; CDP-Census Designated Place; MSA-Metropolitan Statistical Area; GMR-Group of Metro Regions; DMA-Designated Market Area; VAP-Voting Age Pop; SO/Spanish Origin; Med-Median; HH-Household; SOV/HOV-Single/High Occupancy Vehicles. 4) Ancestry: estimated from multiple responses.
Reprinted from the POLIDATA ® DEMOGRAPHIC GUIDE TO VIRGINIA, County Subdivisions and Places, 2000 Census Edition.
Online Info: www.polidata.us/books/va National Profile: www.polidata.us/books/us/pub/pg00001.htm Data Dictionary: www.polidata.us/books/aa/doc/xdddog00.pdf SES Examples: www.polidata.us/books/aa/doc/xsesVA00.pdf
Religious Data from "Religious Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000." © 2002 ASARB. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center.
Political data compiled by POLIDATA from state and local election authorities for use in the POLIDATA ® Election Yearbook series.

---Lake Ridge CDP

Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
under 5 (Preschool) 2,218 7.3 6.5 +12.3
5-17 (School) 6,764 22.2 18.0 +23.3
18-24 (College) 2,289 7.5 9.6 -21.9
25-44 (Young Adult) 10,446 34.4 31.6 +8.9
45-64 (Middle Age) 7,166 23.6 23.0 +2.6
over 64 (Seniors) 1,521 5.0 11.2 -55.4
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Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
less than 9th 304 1.6 7.2 -77.8
9-12 no Diploma 651 3.4 11.3 -69.9
H.S. Diploma, no higher 3,338 17.2 26.0 -33.8
Some College 6,499 33.5 26.0 +28.8
Coll. Degree, no higher 5,068 26.1 17.9 +45.8
Graduate Degree 3,529 18.2 11.6 +56.9
HS Graduates 18,434 95.1 81.5 +16.7
College Graduates 8,597 44.3 29.5 +50.2
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ANCESTRY (Number is responses, % is estimate of population)
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
German 5,100 12.5 9.5 +31.6
USA 1,623 4.0 9.2 -56.5
English 4,054 9.9 9.0 +10.0
Irish 4,438 10.9 7.9 +38.0
Italian 2,065 5.1 2.9 +75.9
Back to top
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
Hispanic 2,161 7.1 4.7 +51.1
White 21,363 70.3 70.2 +0.1
Black 4,781 15.7 19.4 -19.1
Am.Ind. 62 0.2 0.3 -33.3
Asian 1,063 3.5 3.7 -5.4
Pacific 39 0.1 0.0
Other 75 0.2 0.2 0.0
Multi 860 2.8 1.6 +75.0
Back to top
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
Agriculture 27 0.2 1.3 -84.6
Construction 922 5.7 7.3 -21.9
Finance 1,126 7.0 6.6 +6.1
Information 707 4.4 3.8 +15.8
Manufact./Transport. 1,176 7.3 16.0 -54.4
Prof., Health, Educ. 5,707 35.2 29.9 +17.7
Public Admin. 2,508 15.5 8.3 +86.7
Trade, Whole.& Retail 2,252 13.9 14.2 -2.1
Travel & Leisure 1,767 10.9 12.6 -13.5
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OCCUPATION (Employed Workers)
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
Management 3,789 23.4 15.5 +51.0
Professional 4,496 27.8 22.7 +22.5
Service 1,898 11.7 13.7 -14.6
Office/Admin. 4,319 26.7 25.5 +4.7
Agriculture 7 0.0 0.5 -100
Construction 1,049 6.5 9.6 -32.3
Production 634 3.9 12.5 -68.8
Back to top
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
under $15,000 317 2.9 13.2 -78.0
$15,001-$35,000 1,244 11.2 23.5 -52.3
$35,001-$50,000 1,701 15.3 16.5 -7.3
$50,001-$100,000 4,463 40.2 31.7 +26.8
$100,001-$150,000 2,333 21.0 9.4 +123.4
over $150,000 1,057 9.5 5.7 +66.7
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HOME VALUE (All Owner-Occupied)
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
under $50,000 15 0.2 10.6 -98.1
$51,001-$100,000 1,006 12.6 30.2 -58.3
$101,001-$200,000 5,333 66.7 37.4 +78.3
$200,001-$300,000 1,259 15.8 12.9 +22.5
$300,001-$500,000 377 4.7 6.7 -29.9
over $500,000 0 0.0 2.3 -100
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Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
before 1940 6 0.1 9.1 -98.9
1941-1960 26 0.2 17.7 -98.9
1960-1980 3,293 29.2 33.6 -13.1
1980-1990 5,025 44.5 19.6 +127.0
after 1990 2,940 26.0 20.0 +30.0
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RESIDENCE IN 1995 (Persons 5+ years)
Item Area # Area % Area % State % State % Index
Same House 13,178 46.2 52.2 -11.5
Same County 4,823 16.9 18.1 -6.6
Same State 4,094 14.4 14.2 +1.4
In New England 1,047 3.7 3.1 +19.4
In MidWest 858 3.0 1.5 +100.0
In South 2,395 8.4 6.0 +40.0
In West 1,149 4.0 1.9 +110.5
In Puerto Rico 11 0.0 0.1 -100
Elsewhere 967 3.4 3.0 +13.3
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1. INDEX compares the percentage value for the area with the comparable value for the State or Nation. The comparison is a division of the area value by the state/national value, then subtracting 100.
2. Small differences may be noted between these numbers and those found at the Bureau FactFinder site. These will be due to the selection of different tables or universes. N.b., Language, Home Value, Rent.
3. POPULATION by RACE/SPANISH ORIGIN: all percentaqes add to 100. E.g., "White" is Non-Hispanic White.
4. To print this page, either use LANDSCAPE orientation or reduce the scale of the page.

Copyright © 2003, POLIDATA ®. Clark H. Bensen. All Rights Reserved. email: info@polidata.us.
POLIDATA ® Demographic and Political Guides / Attn: Sales / 3112 Cave Court, Suite H / Lake Ridge, VA 22192
ONLINE URL (password required): www.polidata.us/books/va/dgc/part3/pg00872.htm updated: 01/21/2004