• This is a project of nationwide scope and the final results are relied upon by academics and political observers around the nation. In the past this project has been undertaken by POLIDATA in conjunction with several Washington-based entities.
  • Our thanks once again to the sponsor and patron of the 2016 project listed below.

      The results of the Presidential election compiled for Congressional Districts can provide an indicator of the generic political behavior of all 435 districts of the U.S. House. The use of such an indicator is especially useful for several reasons.
      1. UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS. Many elections for Congress are basically uncontested, increasingly moreso as redistricting focuses on incumbency and delegation continuity. This indicator helps assess base partisan strength.
      2. POLITICAL POSITIONING. An indicator helps assess the electoral/political position of a member of the House vis-a-vis the President. This is often important for critical floor votes.
      3. TURNOUT ANALYSIS. The results allow for a more even analysis of voter turnout amongst all districts. Whereas all districts start out the redistricting decade with basically the same number of persons, even then the number of potential voters can be significantly different. This difference is exacerbated as the decade proceeds, both from population shifts and registration factors.

      For Presidential by Congressional District Report Options click here.
      HIGHLIGHTS FROM 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016
      Factor: 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
      [A] Districts won by Dem Pres 256 for Clinton 280 for Clinton 207 for Gore 180 for Kerry 242 for Obama 209 for Obama 205 for Clinton
      [B] Districts won by GOP Pres 179 for George H.W. Bush 155 for Dole 228 for George W. Bush 255 for George W. Bush 193 for McCain 226 for Romney 230 for Trump
      [C] GOP Districts won by Dem Pres 50 for Clinton 91 for Clinton 40 for Gore 18 for Kerry 34 for Obama 17 for Obama 23 for Clinton
      [D] Dem Districts won by GOP Pres 53 for George H.W. Bush 19 for Dole 46 for George W. Bush 41 for George W. Bush 49 for McCain 9 for Romney 12 for Trump
      [E] Net for National Winner -2 for Clinton +73 for Clinton +7 for Bush +23 for Bush -15 for Obama +8 for Obama -11 for Trump
      [F] Most Votes Cast for President 363,716 317,121 369,844 418,511 457,876 440,090 470,864
      [G] Fewest Votes Cast for President 53,398 61,011 76,762 107,825 108,507 114,901 129,867
      [H] Highest % for Dem Pres 87.0% for Clinton 93.5% for Clinton 92.9% for Gore 89.7% for Kerry 94.8% for Obama 96.7% for Obama 93.5% for Clinton
      [I] Highest % for GOP Pres 63.5% for George H.W. Bush 67.4% for Dole 79.0% for George W. Bush 78.0% for George W. Bush 76.7% for McCain 80.2% for Romney 79.8% for Trump
      [J] Highest % for Independents 33.2% for Perot 16.0% for Perot 13.4% for "Others" N/A for "Others" 3.4% for "Others" 5.2% for "Others" 29.6 for "Others"
      [K] Average % for Dem Pres 44.1% for Clinton 50.3% for Clinton 49.6% for Gore 49.0% for Kerry 53.7% for Obama 51.6% for Obama 48.8% for Clinton
      [L] Average % for GOP Pres 37.4% for George H.W. Bush 40.0% for Dole 46.8% for George W. Bush 50.0% for George W. Bush 44.9% for McCain 46.8% for Romney 45.6% for Trump
      [M] Average % for Ind Pres 18.5% for Perot 8.2% for Perot 3.5% for "Others" 0.7% for "Others" 1.4% for "Others" 1.6% for "Others" 5.6% for "Others"
      Note 1. High/Low Turnout based upon states with more than one district.
      Note 2. Independents (if any) in the House may be excluded from some counts.
    • As few counties, and even fewer states, automatically tabulate the results for the Presidential election by this level of political geography, data are collected for the lowest level of political geography for a split jurisdiction; normally this is the precinct. The first phase of this project is to collect the raw information to compile these numbers. Fortunately, this process has been facilitated over the years as local election officials post the results online
    • Previous projects in which Polidata has been involved in this compilation include 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. Data and books for most years are available. Some basic data for 1992-2004 can be reviewed at the bottom of each state publication page.

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