General Availability of Publication Types for States:
Several standard formats for our state-oriented Demographic and Political publications have been developed. These include
  • Demographic Guides (Counties, County Subdivisions & Places)
  • Demographic Atlases (Counties, County Subdivisions & Places)
  • Political Guides (Counties, County Subdivisions)
  • Political Atlases (Political Districts)
  • Demographic and Political Guides (Counties, County Subdivisions & Places)
  • Election Histories (Counties)
  • Election Yearbooks (Counties & Districts)
Both Demographic and Political volumes share the same general formats and attempt to provide a statewide perspective with local detail.
Subcounty Units:
The availability of each format for any particular state depends upon several factors. Of course, one significant factor is the number of county, or subcounty units available for analysis.
From a demographic perspective, the major distinguishing factor among states is what type of county subdivision exists in the state. In the Minor Civil Division (MCD) states of the East and North, the county subdivision has, or had, some governmental function and some relatively constant boundaries over time. For the Census County Division (CCD) states of the South and West, the county subdivision is more fluid in concept and boundaries.
From an election perspective, the major factor is the electoral scheme and the election calendar. Another major factor is the availability of political data and the effort required to collect and process these data to a summary level similar to those used by the Bureau of the Census for demographic information.
While it is our hope to provide some coverage for all states at some point in time, our resources are limited. Please check the state pages for scheduling information for your state of interest.
Sample Pages:
For several reasons, OHIO & ILLINOIS are good test states and sample pages for these reports are more likely to be the reference destination for other states. Availability for any one state will depend upon several factors as mentioned above.
NOTE ON .pdf FORMATTED FILES: Many of the sample pages from our publications are provided in the .pdf format produced by Adobe Acrobat. To view or print these files you will need to have the Acrobat Reader software which can be downloaded for FREE from the Adobe website at Note however, that many of the maps are heavily shaded and did not convert well from an origincal scan. Not only will they take a long time to print but will not be of high quality in this current format. They are provided as sample pages only. Download FREE Acrobat Reader.

COPYRIGHT © 2000, Clark H. Bensen. All Rights Reserved.

POLIDATA ® Demographic & Political Guides / Clark Bensen / 3112 Cave Court, Suite C / Lake Ridge, VA 22192
TEL: 703-690-4066 (8am-5pm ET) FAX: 703-494-4061 (24hrs.) EMAIL:
HOME: THIS: updated: 2000-Aug-22