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Document Title: Confidence in Population Estimates from Sampling and Estimation, Based upon the 1995 Test Census, 5 Sep 1996

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  1. Executive Summary and Textual Summary
  2. Statistical Documentation from the Bureau of the Census
  3. Chart 1.1 Standard Error Estimates for Test Areas
  4. Chart CA 2.1 Confidence in Population Estimates from sampling-SMALL BLOCK
  5. Chart CA 2.2 Confidence in Population Estimates from sampling-LARGE TRACT
  6. Chart CA 2.3 Confidence in Population Estimates from sampling-MID-SIZED CITY
  7. Chart CA 2.4 Confidence in Population Estimates from sampling-OAKLAND
  8. Chart 3.1 Distribution of Population by Blocks-OAKLAND
  9. Chart 3.2 Distribution of Population by Blocks-PATERSON
  10. Chart 3.3 Distribution of Population by Blocks-NW LOUISIANA
  11. Chart 4.1 Variance Model Parameters for Test Areas

See also, Census Adjustment-Sampling Basics

Note on format: Most files are provided in .pdf format, created via Adobe (TM) Acrobat software. If you do not have the FREE software required for viewing/printing these documents, it can be downloaded from the Adobe website.

HOME: http://www.polidata.org THIS: http://www.polidata.org/census/app/app9ldl.htm updated: 2000-Jan-6