On-Line Library


Census Issues
Census Adjustment, Sampling and Estimation
> (Press Release) Press Release-Commentary on S.Ct. Opinion (40k .pdf)
> (Court Opinion) 2000 Census-U.S. SUPREME COURT Rejects Clinton Proposal for Statistical Sampling. Entire Opinion at Cornell site.
> (Amicus Brief) Amicus Brief in the Census Case, U.S. Dept. of Commerce v. U.S. House of Rerepresentatives (98-404)
> (Occasional Paper) The Census at the Federal Constitutional Convention; Representation, Taxation and Objectivity
> (Comments) Remarks of Clark Bensen, Reapportionment Task Force, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) 28 July 1996, St. Louis, MO
> (Data Review) Confidence in Population Estimates from Sampling and Estimation, Based upon the 1995 Test Census, 5 September 1996
> (Data Review) Effect of Potential Census Adjustment on Shift of Federal Aid
> (Op-Ed) Virtual America, May 1997 (Submitted to Washington Post/not used)
> (Comments) Remarks of Clark Bensen, Department of Commerce, Race and Hispanic Origin Questions, 15 September 1997, Washington, DC
> (Comments) Remarks of Clark Bensen, Census 2000 Advisory Panel, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 26 September 1997, Washington, DC
> (Comments) Remarks of Clark Bensen, Reapportionment Task Force, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) 7 August 1997, Philadelphia, PA
> (Press Release) Congressional Reapportionment: Winners and Losers in 2000; Latest Population Estimates Detail Seat Shifts, Adjustment Still an Issue (Feb. 1998)
> (Op-Ed) The Case Against Sampling, March 1998 (Submitted to Roll-Call/not used)
> (Court Opinion) U.S.House of Representatives vs. U.S. Department of Commerce ("Gingrich v. Dailey"/98-0456)
Congressional Reapportionment
1. (Data Review) Effect of Potential Census Adjustment on Congressional Apportionment
Political Analysis Notes
Units Won by Presidential Nominees, 1952-1996 (in progress)
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